A Years Worth of Beauty Product Empties

Jan 30, 2019Archives, STYLE

It’s amazing the amount of personal care products we go through in one year. I really didn’t think about what I was using until I started saving the empty containers. When I stepped back and looked at an entire years worth of empties, it blew me away.

Before I buy something new, I almost always finish a product before repurchasing. I don’t like to have a bunch of random half used containers of products. It leads to too many opened containers that take up precious counter space and gets wasted. Looking at what I’ve purchased in a year, I have to say it’s relatively small, but I know I can do better.

My previous post was all about scaling back and going on a spending freeze. Looking at this video, I can definitely see many areas I can scale back. I also want to start implementing products that are free of parabens and fragrance. If you’d like a run down of what I use, leave it in the comments below!

I hope you enjoy going through all my empties with me! I have a really random one at the end- you’d never guess how much I (and millions of other people) go through in one year.

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