Lets face it. We all have a million of these guys in our home. They end up in the laundry room floor, bathroom counter and spread all over our dresser. Bobby pins are amazing little pieces of metal for women and the bane of existence for most men. But I bet you never considered sprucing them up to add a new look to your hair. Here are five DIY ways to update the look of bobby pins and how I applied them in my hair.
1) Use nail polish over them to add a colorful arrangement to your supply.
2) Apply super glue to the flat side and sprinkle glitter over it.
3. Use a hot glue gun to glue on sparkly gems.
4) Make flowers out of scrap pieces of material and hot glue them to the bent end of the bobby pin. Click here to learn how to make the flowers.
5). Hot glue on buttons from the spares you get from a pair of pants or dress shirt.
Bobby pin storage tip: Keep them in a mint container (like an Altoids tin) so they don’t get everywhere. This is also perfect for when you travel.
What are some creative things that you would do with bobby pins? I’d love to know!