Hardware Statement Necklace

Hardware Statement Necklace

This is a really fun project.  It combines two of my favorite project stores; JoAnn Fabric and Lowes.  I love it when I can take something masculine like corner brackets and turn them into a beautiful DIY statement necklace. Here are the supplies I used: From JoAnn...
Make Your Own Pasta

Make Your Own Pasta

This week I made the most delicious pasta.  It all began after I saw Martha Stewart do it on her Cooking School show, and of course, watching Martha do it made my husband and I want to do it too!  The only problem was we didn’t have a pasta machine or 00 flour...
3 Kitchen Items You Can Use For Beauty

3 Kitchen Items You Can Use For Beauty

I find great pleasure in taking an everyday household item meant for a specific purpose, and turning it into something cute to use as a beauty or decorative item.  When my husband and I first moved into our apartment, I was constantly looking for cute but inexpensive...
A Fair-y Good Time

A Fair-y Good Time

I remember when I was a little girl I LOVED going to our local county fair.  It’s actually still a quite enjoyable experience for me to go to.  My favorite activities are the arts and crafts building, going on rides and of course the food.  It’s one of the...
What I Wore Yesterday + Giveaway {Closed}

What I Wore Yesterday + Giveaway {Closed}

I live in upstate New York.  The weather here is incredibly moody.  This Summer, it has rained throughout the beginning, then there was a small stretch of high 90’s, and recently its been feeling like Fall.  Yup.  I said it.  Don’t get me wrong, Fall is my...
3 Fashion Mistakes to Avoid

3 Fashion Mistakes to Avoid

No one is perfect.  We all have our quirks and flaws that make us who we are.  There are however, some flaws in women’s fashion, which I have noticed over the years that drive me crazy.  I will share three of them with you today, and some simple solutions to remedy...