Nice to See You Again!

Aug 1, 2018Archives, Personal

Honestly Maggie Blog

Where I’ve Been and What I’ve Been Up To

Well, hello there! Nice to see you again! It’s been a while, huh? Let me tell you, it’s not easy jumping back into blogging after taking 9 months off. I feel suuuper rusty. I procrastinated on writing this post for weeks. Today, I checked everything else off my to-do list. Then I watched every single Instagram story at the top of my feed before finally dedicating my full attention to writing. Wait, hang on, I think I have to go check my email again for the 257th time.

All jokes aside, it’s been kind of nice taking a break from my blog. Even though I’ve been blogging for over 6 years, right now it kind of feels like I’m starting over. When I wrote my very first post, I had no idea what I was doing, or what my focus was going to be. Over time, especially after Brandon and I bought our house, I felt a shift in my writing. Our time was completely consumed with the work of our home (and still is) but on a much lesser scale. Then my real estate business started to grow. So much so, I quit my job and decided to focus on selling homes full-time.

Best decision ever.

Working as a Realtor has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career. May 30th officially marked my 3-year anniversary in real estate. While there have been times I wanted to quit over the last 3 years, I stuck with it. (More on that in a future post).

So what the heck have I been up to for the last 9 months, you ask? I started watching motivational videos from some amazing female entrepreneurs. I went to a conference and met Gary Vaynerchuck! I volunteered again in Haiti through Rotary. I started going to therapy. I went on a spontaneous vacation with Brandon to Florida and visited family we hadn’t seen since 2011. I began a morning routine of consistent devotions and prayer. I closed on several properties for different clients. I started bullet journaling. Most of all, I thought a lot about my blog and what the next step would be for Honestly Maggie.

Back in the fall, I realized that in its current state, my blog did not bring me joy. I found myself procrastinating writing my weekly post. I enjoy writing, but didn’t feel like I was blogging for the right purpose. Quitting on my blog wasn’t an option, but something needed to change. I felt it lacked vision and purpose. Honestly Maggie didn’t feel like it served any real purpose except sharing random parts of my life. I want it to be more than just that. After lots of soul searching, conversations with trusted friends and family, I figured it out.

Writing for the blog

A slightly new, more focused direction for the blog.

The more I thought about my blog, I realized I have a wealth of knowledge and experience in the housing industry to offer my readers. Starting as a Design Studio Specialist in a corporate retail furniture/décor company, to in-house Designer/Selections Coordinator for a builder.  From purchasing my own fixer upper, to becoming a Realtor. I actually know a lot about houses! And I want to share that with you.

Over the last 3 years in real estate, my experience is that many women feel insecure when it comes to buying a house. They might rely on their partner for guidance, parents, third-party home searching websites or worse, their great uncle Larry who hasn’t bought or sold a house in over 40 years. When Brandon and I bought our house, I was completely clueless to the whole process. As a result, I felt so unprepared for this HUGE expense we were making a 30-year commitment to. I literally had a panic attack in the grocery store the day we closed.

I sincerely believe deep down that my purpose in life is to help people, more specifically, women. I want you to feel confident and prepared when you are ready to buy a house. When it comes to your career or business, I hope I can inspire you in that area as well.

If you are reading this, and you would like to join this community, then welcome aboard! I can’t wait to get to know you better and share all the insight I have learned so far. I’m also really looking forward to learning from you too.

“It’s Just a Patio Breezeway”

“It’s Just a Patio Breezeway”

I figured it was about time to start sharing more details of our home addition with you. Brandon and I broke ground in April earlier this year, (2022) fully intending to be wrapping up by now. We...

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Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

In September 2020 I hit ‘publish’ on my previous blog post, nowhere remotely close to thinking it would be last post so for so long. I closed my laptop, went about my life, and literally two years...

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Give Yourself Some Grace

Give Yourself Some Grace

Do you ever feel like you need a 'To-Do list' for your to-do list? I do. The hardest part about being a Realtor is managing expectations and communication. I am constantly updating my To-Do list...

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Five Wins of the Week

Five Wins of the Week

Mondays are typically my craziest day in terms of the admin side of my business. This week in particular, I have a property going on the market. I need to coordinate all the details of the...

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Selling Schenectady

Selling Schenectady

This past week, as I was browsing on Netflix and Selling Sunset came up as a suggested show for me to watch. Honestly, after I watched the preview for it, I thought to myself: “This is just another...

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Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

In September 2020 I hit ‘publish’ on my previous blog post, nowhere remotely close to thinking it would be last post so for so long. I closed my laptop, went about my life,...

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Give Yourself Some Grace

Give Yourself Some Grace

Do you ever feel like you need a 'To-Do list' for your to-do list? I do. The hardest part about being a Realtor is managing expectations and communication. I am constantly...

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Five Wins of the Week

Five Wins of the Week

Mondays are typically my craziest day in terms of the admin side of my business. This week in particular, I have a property going on the market. I need to coordinate all the...

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