Hello Again! Back to Square One

Sep 2, 2020Archives, Personal

Even though it’s only been 3 months, for me, it feels like 3 years and square one since I last sat down here to draft a post for my blog. I could sit here and blame Covid, blame the busyness of my work, blame it on summer. But in reality, the only person I have to blame is me.

I don’t mean that in a dramatic way, just a matter of fact.

It has been so long since I logged in to post, there were 22 updates I needed to execute, including the update to my entire platform before I could even begin.

When I started this blog so many years ago, it was birthed as a creative outlet for me to post about DIY projects during a time in my life I felt bored with my job. Over time, that morphed into a platform for the ultimate DIY project, with stories of our home renovation one room at a time.

As time went by, I began to lose sight of the documentation of my life, instead hyper-focusing on “creating content.” I had lists, spreadsheets, notebooks filled with pages of ideas. I was overthinking my content so much, I never executed on any of it.

A few weeks ago, I reconnected with my dear friend, fellow creative and photographer Elizabeth. It’s amazing what a couple hours with a good friend who really knows you can do for your soul. She gave me the most beautiful unexpected gifts “just because”. Her presence in my house was a gift.

We talked about our jobs, our creative aspirations, and our struggles. Talking with Elizabeth brought me back down to earth and helped provide clarity, wisdom and encouragement to put pen to paper again (or fingertips to keyboard in this case).

Obviously, life would be so much easier if Covid-19 never happened. Way too many lives were lost, way too many businesses closed their doors, never to open again. In the last several months we’ve seen more racial tension and division be brought to light. Kids are going back to school at home learning remotely, not being able to see their friends. Parents are feeling the strain of deciding if its smarter financially to work and still pay for daycare, or simply not return to work. It’s all just so overwhelming.

It’s easy for me to get lost in all this darkness. For the past few months, I mourned some personal losses of my own. However, I cannot dwell on all the negativity this pandemic has brought to this year any longer. I’m choosing to consciously focus on the good, which believe me isn’t always easy.

But as we enter a new month, a new season, I’m choosing to focus on these few simple things:

I have an amazing, supportive husband who loves me.

I have supportive friends like Elizabeth who are cheering me on.

I have the most wonderful clients and a booming business despite the fact we are in the middle of a pandemic.

I have my health and my family, who also has their health.

I have Rosie, who brings joy into my life, and gets my ass out of my chair into the outside to breath in fresh air everyday.

I have my faith. If it were not for my faith during the awful time, I have no idea how I would have survived.

As I prepare to hit “publish” and send this post out into the world, I have this twinge of nervousness. Am I ready to be blogging again regularly? No, not really. But I cannot shake this pull that is drawing me back toward my pages, and this time, square one feels really different.

Intentional. Purposeful. Exciting. Welcoming. Grateful.

Thank you for reading along!

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